Veterans - Triwest (VA)

Synergy has had the honor of treating Vets for over 15 years!

We accept all chiropractic, massage and acupuncture authorizations from the VA. Currently we have 4 Chiropractors, 4 Acupuncturists and 11 Massage Therapists credentialed with the VA, between our two offices.

These services are often fully covered and can very helpful in reducing medication use and pain levels.

Treatment requires an authorization from the VA which must be requested by the veteran. If you don’t have an authorization, request chiropractic, acupuncture or massage therapy from your team at the VA on your next visit. You can also call the VA directly (1-866-606-8198) and request a referral to our office.

We have a VA Department dedicated to helping you with all of your authorization needs:


We look forward to seeing you in the office very soon!

Understanding Community Care guide.
